Kimberly's thoughts

The very strong thoughts of a highly opinionated 30-something woman.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Oh God, now what? Iran

Is this jack*ss we call the President trying to get us all killed???!!! If he did not threaten Iran in his State of the Union, then I would like to know what he did. Is it ok for us to continue to research and pursue WMDs but tell other countries that they cannot? This coming from a man who cannot even say the word nuclear correctly!

It is Nu-cle-ar Dude, not Nu-cul-er!

Damn! We must be a laughing stock. Now this killer is creating new "terrorist" acts without any say so from the congress?! How far can he go with it?

Hell, I am afraid as much as the next guy about a terrorist attack, but let us do this the correct way, with education, compassion, and reform. Force is not the answer and threats have NEVER worked in the final round with BULLIES!

Say good-bye America because I feel that this man has set us up for a long, and hard, fight to prove ourselves yet again. How sad. It sickens me that my nephew had to serve time risking his life for this man's bull shit. Really.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

A Million Little Lies - January 8, 2006

A Million Little Lies - January 8, 2006

Here's proof that Oprah has gotten such a following that people would follow her as she jumped off a bridge. I recall seeing this "amazing" story on her show, and thought, hmm, maybe this would be a good book for my friend who is struggling to come to terms with his alcoholism.

I then went to and read some of the exerpts and knew this guy was lying through his teeth. I have siblings who HAVE done many of the things that James Frey purports to have done, so I could see sh*t without smelling it, if you know what I mean. Oprah, quit jumping to conclusions and believing hype and do your own investigations. I don't know if you will recover from this blight on your record....

Friday, January 13, 2006

Migraines: When will they find a cure?

I am on day 3 of migraine hell. I managed through the past two days, but today was too much for me, didn't make it to work. Well, at least to the office. Had pressing issues to follow up on here at home.

I really try not to complain because I think I am a lucky one, most of the time either excedrin (generic) or Maxalt works for me, and I don't have them daily. But d*mn it, I am tired of them interrupting my life. It is hard enough to live through them, but then to have the guilt of missing work, and/or outside commitments, on top of it. Luckily since I am so far away now, I am not often breaking plans with friends/family b/c of them, but still.

I am grateful for modern days to have laptops to keep connected to life. It is great to be able to dim the screen and do stuff. But even that was too much today. And, since I work with all men now, and none are migraineurs, I worry that they won't fully appreciate my situation. I was afraid that I would run into problems when I changed schedules. I still average about 1 migraine a week. On the old schedule, it almost always came on a day off, but now I don't have the luxury of 3 or 4 days a week off. Part of the issue is sleep, I am still not sleeping through the night from the schedule change. The other part is mother nature, I started my cycle yesterday. (I seldom get them, so never know when it will hit, and it doesn't always spawn migraines.) And, on top of it, barometric pressure craziness.

I just needed to vent a bit. I am grateful that this, for the most part, is not a terminal disease, but my goodness, if I had to guess, it probably has taken at least one full year of my life away from me in my 38 years.

off to bed for some more sleep, I hope. Would someone come and massage my head for me? :-(