Kimberly's thoughts

The very strong thoughts of a highly opinionated 30-something woman.

Thursday, September 07, 2006 - Video is said to show bin Laden prepping for 9/11 attacks - Sep 7, 2006 - Video is said to show bin Laden prepping for 9/11 attacks - Sep 7, 2006

How convenient for this to show up days before the 5 year anniversary. Pretty convienent that important elections come November which could change the face of the senate. Is this yet another scare tactic by gw to remind Americans of his successful war on terror? Yet, I reiterate, he can find Saddam holed up in a cave, but not find bin laden who is attached to daily dialysis? Please!

I just can't stop thinking about that day and those 8 minutes that he sat in that classroom, with the knowledge that we are being attacked, and he did nothing. Should he not have been giving military directives? Why wouldn't he assume that the planes hitting the towers weren't just a distraction to something worse to come? Shouldn't our president be smart enough to think and act on such assumptions???


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